The WrapGlove® Origin
To the benefit of all installers today, the trials and tribulations by the originators of the brand WrapGlove®, was the proving grounds for what is now industry standard... “Purposely Built Tools by Installers for Installers”
In 2006 the vehicle wrap division of WTI identified the need for a glove when applying ultra conformable wrap films with high initial tack adhesives. Those thin films not available in the USA at the time, were awesome in their ability to conform over almost any vehicles surface. In theory, it seemed like the answer to speeding up install times and opening up the industry to more intricate surfaces. Well, that’s where theory met reality, those thinner films came with baggage.
“Necessity Breeds Invention” This baggage required a new set of tools, both mentally and physically to effectively work with all the new surfaces we would encounter with these films of the future. First, the hand would need to become more of a tool than just a squeegee holder, it literally needed to become a controlled, conformable squeegee in its own right! To meet that criteria, the initial challenge was to prevent the bare hand from gouging and marring the materials, as well as prevent, the transfer of sweat and oils from the hand to the adhesive side of the materials. The final challenge was to reduce or eliminate the texture and the abrasive nature of the bare hand. Obviously, the only solution was to Glove the hand.
Enter the WrapGlove® a specially knitted performance tool, turning the hand into a conformable squeegee. The WrapGlove® In its' first evolution provided for no longer needing blood, sweat and tears to help the bare hand slide across the surface. Now after years of development the origin of WrapGlove® is more effective and durable for the applicator making their hands an actual tool!
Today's WrapGlove® is specifically constructed to optimize the applicators efforts, from preventing oil transfer to the surface, reduced scratches, anti static properties reduces the attraction of airborne dust and its durability is enough to maintain all those attributes after being machined washed over and over again... WrapGlove® is a tool that is purposely built and entirely made in the USA!